
...Go I...

Tonight we fed the homeless. Ok, so I don't really know that he was homeless - but he was begging for money outside of CVS pharmacy where I made Mike take me to buy some medicine to treat a cold sore that I have inside of my lip. I suppose it is more accurate to say that we fed someone less fortunate.

After five years in the city, we can automatically identify those who are going to ask for money. Mike warned me when I got out to run into the store that he was standing by the door. He asked me for money, but I had no cash and apologetically told him that I couldn't help. He thanked me.

As I came out of the store and got into the car, Mike asked me if I wanted anything from McDonald's. Since we had recently had a big talk about "fiscal responsibility" and eating at home, I was surprised that he was wanting to stop for fast food. On top of which, it was after 10 p.m. - long past our dinnertime. I said that I wasn't hungry and asked if he was.

"No." He said, "I'm getting that guy a burger."

Mike went into McDonald's and came out with a value meal and a large coffee, which we took back and dropped off with the appreciative recipient.

If this last year has taught me anything, it is an appreciation for the precarious situation in which a majority of us find ourselves. A year ago, I would have looked at that guy and been irritated because I knew that he was going to ask me for money. I might even have entered through another door to try and avoid an awkward encounter - but tonight I looked at him, as I now look at nearly everyone who asks me for money - and I thought, "There but for the grace of God..."

Both Mike and I were lucky enough to survive job lay-offs at our jobs last year. So many people were not as fortunate. It's not black and white. Where would I be if I didn't have a supportive family and I lost my job? Maybe I'd be begging for money outside of CVS in a snow storm. It could be me. Or you.

Someone recently (jokingly) told me that I might as well have a sign on my forehead because if I have money and am asked, I will generally give it away. Not large amounts - a dollar here or there. I don't care. Today Mike did something nice for our fellow man and that makes me feel really good.


SaNdY said...

So true....what a kind thing you guys did...brings tears to my eyes...
Because of where we live and the places I go, I'm usually not confronted with the homeless...but when Bren was in St. John's Hospital last year, right near the exit I took to get off the freeway, I would see a homeless guy with a sign...I gave him a few bucks each time I saw him...and I know some people would say that maybe he's not homeless, etc...but I didn't care...and the Salvation Army bell-ringing campaign during Christmas time...that bell reminds me how lucky I am, so each time I would hear it, I would get out a few dollars and donate, not a lot, but something...if each of us who can does a little something, it would add up to lot...
Love your guts...

Charlie said...

I'm proud of you both!