
A Conversation

Radio: ...see Vanilla Ice, in concert with C & C Music Factory...Tickets are $25...

Cindi: $25?!?! To see Vanilla Ice?!!

Mike: (kiddingly) Will you buy me Vanilla Ice tickets, pea pea?

Cindi: (snort)


Cindi: (singing) Go ninja! Go ninja go!

Mike: (disbelieving look)

Cindi: I wonder if he'll sing that...remember that? It's from one of those movies...you know... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies...

Mike: (laughs)

Cindi: (still talking)...I don't remember if it's 2 or 3. It's the one where Shredder steals the ooze and creates his own mutants. A tortoise and a german shepherd, I think.


Mike: That's valuable brain space that you're using.

Cindi: Oh, shut up!


Kelly said...

yeah! i missed your mike/cindi conversations! hahahahah. love it.

SaNdY said...

Me, too! Youse guys have the BEST talks! :D

Brenda said...

Cindi, you look SO CUTE in that photo!!! It must be a self portrait, huh??? Love U!

Football and Fried Rice said...

My kids would be SO impressed with your knowledge of the Ninja movies!!

Laurie said...

I just LOVE your "conversations" posts! Thanks!