It started when we were driving to work today. The "Low Tire Pressure" light came on. Then the new Health Commissioner canceled the inspection that he was going to do with the Mikster today. (No big whoop there - but it denotes a pattern.)
Then he somehow managed to lock his keys in the trunk. Our conversation about this event went something like this:
Cindi: So, Houdini - you wanna tell me how you managed to lock your keys in the trunk?
Mike: No.
Then he called and I was working late, so he had to wait to see which train I would be coming home on. Once I called him, he left to pick me up. I arrived and he wasn't waiting for me. I called and found out that he'd had a flat tire (remember the low tire pressure light?) about a block away from where the train stopped.
On the plus side, I scrubbed out his pant legs once we got home and the mud didn't set and stain. Go me!
Man, I hope tomorrow's a better day.
I've been saying "I hope tommarrow is a better day" every day since I came home - Haven't seen any improvement yet! No flats, or locked in keys, just cold and COLDER and snow and MORE SNOW!
Ohhhhh, no...that's a LOT of crap for one day...sorry Mike ((hugs))
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