I took a picture of these squirrels because I saw them and remarked to Mike how fortunate they were that Meme cat wasn't here to see them frolicking on the light pole. Then I read on
Sara's blog where she'd posted a squirrel picture for Aunt Linda. I don't remember Aunt Linda being into squirrels...but I decided to post the picture just in case!
Never let it be said that I don't think about you, Aunt Linda! :D

Somehow it seems to lose something in the translation. Colorado squirrel perched on beautiful Colorado branch trumps Chicago squirrels scurrying across electric wires. Hee hee.
I enjoy wildlife of all kinds and yours rivals my own efforts. Can you point out the actual squirrels for as hard as I try, I cannot find them!?! My deer pictures always look like timber or roadside or just a tree. My eagles are black dots. I need a better camera!
Ok. My Mom has always had this habit of taking pictures of wildlife & them asking us if we could "see" whatever critter she took a picture of. It would usually be a brown deer amidst brown leaves. So, No, Mom, we can't see them! She would swear & swear that there WAS a deer (or an ELK or a MOOSE or whatever) there, but we just wrote her off as nuts!!
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