Not only was the bbq fun but I got two presents! Anyone who knows me knows how I adore getting presents. And how embarrassed Mike is that I love presents so much. They don't have to be big presents. I'm just as happy when Mike unexpectedly brings home Skittles from the grocery store. Anyway, these are the presents I got on Saturday...
My other present is a little book from my mother-in-law, Sandy. The pages have pictures of my mom with quotes and a poem. I liked this page best, I think. I thought Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda would like to see it. The quote says (in case you can't read it), "I find as I grow older that I love those most whom I loved first. -Thomas Jefferson."
So many crafty people in my family. I told my dad that if Sandy and Aunt Linda ever met, they'd probably be B.F.F. as they are internet buddies of a sort now. :D
Today, Mike and I got up early to go and see our friend Sarah perform at Flavor Fest in Jonquil Park. She works for an upscale daycare/pre-school in Chicago and works sometimes singing at children's parties.
Then Mike went off to kickball and, after spending the afternoon cleaning up what I could, I napped.
Everybody mark your calendars this time next year! I'll expect to see everyone. And next year? It'll be on the beach! Awesome.
Sounds like it was a good time. Thought of you all often.
Glad it went well for you. Everybody enjoys successful parties. I know we do.
Love to all,
Aunt Linda
and Uncle Mike
Anxious to see those puppy pictures!
Your party was great! You and Mike did a great job!! I wish we had been able to stay longer, but it was nice to meet a few of your friends, Mike's co-workers and former co-workers, too...looking forward to next year's beach party!! And yes, I believe your Aunt Linda and I would definitely be B.F.F. if we lived closer to each other!! I hope I have the pleasure of meeting her sometime, but till then, we can be internet/blogging buddies!
wish I could have been there (Kabobs AND skittles?) Ok, I know there wasn't necessarily skittles there, but that is a sweet spot for me too - that & laffy taffy...over flowers. any day.
{{{Cinda and Mike}}} Thanks so much for inviting me. I had fun and the wonderful music - and that foxy... *laff*! Well, you know where I was going with that... Hey! I just realized that we can meet up at the colleges this fall, tho you're MWF and I'm TTH, we can still work it out. :-) Love ya! Vitka
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